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  • Writer's pictureCarol Vaccariello

Angels and Ancestors

This song welled up in me:


I want to see your face

I want to know your embrace

the twinkle in your eye

the radiance of your smile

I want to be with you.


Every morning I step into a pool of water for a time of prayer.

Years ago, when I stepped into a swimming pool, I knew that I stepped into the “womb of Great Mother.” My reality changed and everything became a heartfelt prayer. Today it is the same. The water holds me in safety, in life giving refreshment. Swirling, creating a vortex, spinning me around like my GrandFather used to do when I was very small. I feel deeply loved and held. I feel like a small child held in sacred arms. Every morning, it is my blessing to step into sacred water and meet with Angels and Ancestors. We pray together.

Recently, as I moved in the water, praying, my soul’s longing welled up within me. Archangel Ari’El has been my companion for many years. Some have told me that our relationship goes much further back than this short lifetime. Archangel Ari’El has shown himself to me in various ways throughout this lifetime. The first encounter that I recall was the Great Lion. Recently he has come in a way that is much different and extremely powerful leaving my human heart longing for a different kind of connection. I want it to be the way it used to be when I didn’t comprehend anything about our relationship. I want to go back to the simplicity of my “childlike” experience of him as the Great Lion. I didn’t understand then that I was in relationship with a powerful Archangel. As I have grown in awareness and continue to be in awe, I long for the simplicity of “childhood” trust and affection.

He first showed himself to me as the Lion of God, forty years ago, maybe more. I experienced him as a physical Lion. Recently when I felt the longing, I heard myself say to him that I want to see his face. I want to know his embrace. I want to see the twinkle in his eyes and the radiance of his smile. Back then, I could feel his fur and see his golden eyes, sit atop his strong broad back. I loved the experience of him in his Lion form. This was something known and familiar to me. Something that I didn’t share with anyone else. I trusted him with my life. I didn’t do anything without consulting, talking it over with him first. And I accomplished things I never dreamed I ever would because of his encouragement and presence.

Recently I asked him, why we don’t do the things we used to do. He answered that we can. Now he presents himself in a much more power-filled form which by its nature feels more distant than when we first met. I shared the longing I have for the relationship we shared when he manifested as Lion. His response was a simple one, “I am still that for you. All you have to do is ask.”

I did ask. Immediately, he manifested in his Lion form. Oh, what deep joy, as he took me in his embrace and we danced into the stars, just the way we used to. I know what you are thinking: Lion’s don’t have arms, can’t embrace and don’t dance or fly! Well, you are wrong about this Great Lion because he does all of that and much more!

And then the dawn came. He hadn’t changed. I had. Somewhere along the way, as I grew through experience and relationship, I lost the wonder and awe and childlike sacred sense of play-fullness in his presence. I became too serious. I refashioned our relationship into a thing of WORK and GOALS losing the sense of awe, majesty, wonder and FUN!!!

Last year, at Ari’El’s request and insistence, I published a book about the awe, majesty, wonder and FUN of our relationship. In it I share ten unique adventures with this magnificent Archangel, whom I knew then as Aslan, the Great Lion (see C. S. Lewis: The Narnia Chronicles). The book is meant to be an eye opener for others who would like to get to know their angels. It is meant to help develop relationships with spirit world. Interested? Take a look at The Lion of God: Archangel Ari’El….Personal Encounters. Find info about this book, that Ari’El wrote with me, at

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