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  • Writer's pictureCarol Vaccariello

Child-Like Wonder


I want to see your face

I want to know your embrace

the twinkle in your eye

the radiance of your smile

I want to be with you.


Truth be told, Ari’El and I have a profound link and I am blessed moment by moment in Ari’El’s presence. Every day we share: sometimes with words, sometimes with movement, sometimes with stillness, sometimes simply leaning back into him and feeling his presence bracing my body for prayer. His nearness is always good.

Some things I have learned as I lean back into him:

  1. He is truly a gift of strength and courage to go where no one has ever gone before.

  2. I want to know your embrace,” I sing. I feel his closeness each day when we come together for prayer. I have learned that his embrace is more than the embrace of a Lover.

  3. In the early days – this Great Lion would join me in a dance that took us soaring up into the Cosmos. We would twirl high beyond planets and stars and galaxies.

  4. He would teach me through the ecstatic joy of being together.

  5. He would carry me to places that are beyond my imagining.

  6. He introduced me to other powerful beings and provided time for me to spend with these other beings so that I could be shown more deeply the wonders of Creation and the indescribable love the universe has for me – for each of us.

What I realize now, is that this was my childhood of becoming. Like so many humans, I now miss the wonder and awe of this childhood because it is I who have abandoned the wonder. I keep myself too serious, too busy, too goal oriented. Saint Paul says,

When I was an infant at my mother’s breast, I gurgled and cooed like any infant. When I grew up, I left those infant ways for good.

We don’t yet see things clearly. We’re squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won’t be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We’ll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us!

I know there are different ways to embrace these thoughts. Here is my take of the moment: To give up that which was my experience of childhood is good and desirable at some level of being. To lose touch with the child-like experience is NOT good. Retaining the wonder and joy of childhood discovery is something that I never want to forsake. I reclaim now in this moment and know that part of seeing through the fog and mist is to look with the renewed eyes of my child. The simple truth is staring me in the face and longing for my recognition once again.

Come on, Ari’El. Let’s go Dancing!

The Miracle, we call, Universe, is waiting for my re-lit eyes of sacred wonder.


I want to see your face

I want to know your embrace

the twinkle in your eye

the radiance of your smile

I want to be with you.


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