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  • Writer's pictureCarol Vaccariello

Images to Understand


I want to see your face

I want to know your embrace

the twinkle in your eye

the radiance of your smile

I want to be with you.


The chant formed in me. I heard my longing heart pleading: I want to see your face.

I know Archangel Ari’El doesn’t have physical properties we do as humans, or the physical properties of a lion. I also know Angels will make themselves known to us in ways that we can accept them. I find thinking of physical properties provides a language that makes it possible to talk about him. Even referring to Ari’El as ‘him’ is problematic. There are aspects of Ari’El that are intensely Feminine. Disney certainly knew that. Angels aren’t male or female. They are spirit.

We, humans, depend on descriptions, properties, attributes we can relate to. In fact, this is what Ari’El explained to me. Angels come to us in forms that we can receive, accept, in order to develop and nurture relationships with us. It is helpful for me to have a face to gaze at, arms to be held in, warmth of a physical presence, because these are some of the ways that I, a human, experience ‘knowing’.

A note: I find it interesting that in teaching certain forms of Meditation we are invited to select an “image” to focus our attention. Sometimes that is a Sacred image. We all know that God doesn’t look anything like the image before us, yet we make use of the image as a gateway to the Holy. (Henri Nouwen). Why does that work? Why can I bridge to the Divine with an image that isn’t at all what the Divine ‘looks like?’ We don’t have a clue what the Divine ‘looks like’. I don’t think the Divine ‘looks like’ anything. I think the Divine simply IS and permeates everything…but that’s a topic for another series.

Back to how angels stretch into our ways of understanding, I remember my first experience with the Great Lion. C. S. Lewis named the Great Lion, Aslan, in his series, The Chronicles of Narnia. The Great Lion appears to have the attributes of a lion. However, I have never danced with a lion, ridden astride the back of a lion, gazed nose to nose into the golden eyes of a lion, rested in the warm fur of a lion’s mane, ridden on a single hair in the left ear of a huge lion as we soared into the Cosmos, and more.

This Lion did all of that with me. Some of these are human attributes assigned to an animal and some are beyond human. I don’t know any other way to explain or describe what I experience. I am sorely limited by a vocabulary that finds its boundaries in my human physical experience. Since these were my experience, they are now part of my relationship with the Great Lion. I no longer think of them as out of the ordinary for this relationship. I accept these attributes because I can define and relate to them as part of my experience, our relationship, although in daily physical reality none of it is a possibility.

“Mind, Body, Spirit” is how we define what it means to be human. We are composites of unlikely collaborative parts. Dancing with a Lion, riding on a hair in his left ear as we soar into the Cosmos passed a sea of stars may not be the normal physical body experience. If I stop there, then I have excluded the rest of me. My Mind and my Spirit. A significant part of my daily experience is created by how I think and how I either allow myself to connect with other aspects of being or not.

Since I was invited into this relationship through a prayer/meditation experience, it is truly a part of my normal daily routine to be in communication and daily experience with this Great Lion. I can’t separate my Body from my Mind or from my Spirit. What I experience in one aspect I experience in all in a way unique to the aspect. When I travel, soaring into the Cosmos on a hair in the ear of the Great Lion, my body experiences the delight, the excitement, the anticipation of destination, the wonderment of stars speeding by. My mind is working endlessly as it connects, questions, struggles, marvels, constructs meaning…. There is no way any one of us can escape the wonder of the reality of being a collaborative composite.

When we first met, I saw the Great Lion. His eyes were magnificent; Golden, large and deep. Yes, I long to see his face once more, to fall into the deep chasm of his gaze. When I feel that longing, I now know that the great Lion didn’t abandon me for another form, I abandoned the possibility of this unique way of being together. I want it back. He says I have never been deprived of the possibility of this experience. All I have to do is ask, to ALLOW myself to once again have the experience of this remarkable relationship.

Wow! Do you hear a message here? When will you ALLOW yourself? When?

I think I will go Cosmic Dancing today. I have some Star Beings whom I would like to visit once again.

My goal is to have FUN with these posts. These posts are NOT FICTION. They are the result of engaging full Mind-Body-Spirit and trusting the outcome.

If you have any questions, please write to me.


I want to see your face

I want to know your embrace

the twinkle in your eye

the radiance of your smile

I want to be with you.


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