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  • Writer's pictureCarol Vaccariello

Moving Forward to the Forward

Do you know Matthew Fox?

I’m not referring to the actor – I don’t know much about him, except that he is easy to look at.

The Matthew Fox whom I know is a prolific author and a powerful voice for our times.  I encourage you to check him out.

Wikipedia gives an overview and a picture of his life and life’s work.  Here you can get a sense of the man and his life’s passions:

When you visit his website, you get an understanding of what is important to him now, the scope of his work and his caring places: 

Why do I encourage you to check out Matthew Fox?  Because he is the person who wrote the foreword for my book.  When you have a sense of who he is, I think it makes a significant difference in your reading and understanding of the foreword.

It has been my privilege to know and work with Matt for over twenty years.  When I shared the first draft of my book, The Lion of God: Archangel Ari’El …Personal Encounters, with him, I shared my deepest fears and concerns about publishing my book for all to read.  These encounters are deeply personal. When I pressed the email send button, I remember my inner panic, “OMG, now Matt is going to read all of these deeply personal stories.”   I was concerned that my revelation might end our friendship.

Although friends for years, I was extremely uncomfortable sharing the stories with him, or anyone.   I got to know Matt by attending weekend workshops whenever I could. There was much I loved about those weekends: his teaching about Creation Spirituality, Matt’s progressive theology, the Techno Cosmic Mass that was held on Saturday night.  I loved being swept away in the spiritual ecstasy of the music and dance.  Sometimes during the weekend, we would walk together and naturally he would ask questions about my background.  He told me that I was doing naturally what he was teaching other spiritual leaders to do.  He invited me to work at the University of Creation Spirituality in the capacity of co-director of the Doctor of Ministry program. During our long friendship, I had never told him about this part of who I am.  I had no idea what to expect from him now.  Would he think I was delusional?  I know Matt as a deeply compassionate and determined human being.  Matt responded in a way that left me with tears of joy.

Read the Foreword of my book, it shares the story of Matt’s encouragement and support.  “Matt, thanks for supporting and undergirding my writing with your anchoring and grounding words.”

Questions to ponder:

What enlightening surprise is your “hidden life” holding for others?

What questions and thoughts have you pondered that could enlighten all of us?

How are you supporting someone else in their journey to authenticity?


I am a newly published author, and I am an Old Soul.

Please share this book with others.

We have so much to learn and so little time in which to do it.

By the way, would you do me a favor?  Go to Amazon and look for me.  I would really appreciate your response to my book there.  Whether a word or a paragraph, I appreciate the gift of your time and your sharing.

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