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  • Writer's pictureCarol Vaccariello

Talk to Angels? Are You Kidding!

I know that lots of folks talk to Angels.  Some people receive responses from Angels.  Others have told me that they envy people who have this kind of relationship with Angels.  And then some may be curious about this spiritual mystical thing, but it doesn’t really impact their lives one way or another.

All my life, I have interacted with spirits.  I didn’t give much thought to how, why, or if anyone else did or not.  That’s just the way it was for me.  Maybe it had to do with being raised in an Italian Catholic home with Grandmothers who talked with the “little people” and a father who did automatic writing and was always left in tears overwhelmed with the messages of profound love that he recorded.  I was too young.  I didn’t understand or even know enough to question.  Sometimes when I saw my large powerful father sobbing like a child, I worried about him.  I thought something was wrong.  I didn’t understand that he was overcome with the love of the Divine for all of creation.

My personal journey, although woven throughout my life, became more concrete and regular in experiences as I grew older.  In the first chapter of THE LION OF GOD, I share the vision that I had of Aslan during my first course of study toward my Doctorate.  Those experiences continued and because I was doing doctoral study in the spirituality of dreams, I was learning many techniques that aided me in working with the visions.

There were times when I shared this knowledge with students in the classroom or in spiritual coaching.  One student kept urging me to write these experiences down so that others could learn from them.

I was uncomfortable writing them because they were very personal to me AND I thought everyone who read them would think I was “unhinged”, talking to spirits and angels that no one could see.  For over 35 years I have held these experiences very close to my heart sharing them sparingly.

For the past few years I have been hounded to write this book.  I played with these thoughts and never could get myself to write them down.  I simply didn’t want to share these deeply personal moments.

One morning while I was praying, an unfamiliar presence showed up.  I didn’t know who or what this was.  It didn’t take a form that was easily definable.  A massive strong presence that extended into the heavens.  The only way I have been able to put this powerful presence into verbal expression is with metaphor; It is like a huge column of stone that supports the ceiling of one of the old European Cathedrals.  This presence is very much alive and communicates with me.  He has a gentle enormous power that I experience.  He insisted that I get the book out and into the hands of those who need to read it.

Ten of the stories about how this comes about are recorded in “our” book, because Archangel Ari’El and I wrote it together.  Just typing that last sentence leaves my breathless.  What a blessed experience.

I invite you to read The Lion of God: Archangel Ari’El …Personal Encounters. 

Some people read it straight through and tell me they can’t put it down.  Others tell me that they are reading it slowly in-order-to feel what they need to feel as they read it.  Although I wrote the book, every time I re-read one of the chapters, I experience it as if for the first time.  The Angelic encounters are deeply moving and powerful.

However you read it is up to you.  Yes, this is a book about my experiences, however, it is not a book about me.  It is a book of invitation to those who read it, to develop and/or to deepen your personal relationship with Divinity.

Do these stories remind you of an experience that you have had?

Do you want to get to know your angel or deepen your relationships in the spirit realm?

Don’t just want to.   Ask yourself,

“How will I get to know the angels who are here for me, right now?

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